In a relatively short time period, consumers have gone from having to visit a store to touch and feel an item in order to purchase it, to purchasing off a website, to purchasing pre-production through sites like Kickstarter. Christine Carlton, founder and CEO of The September, discusses the evolution of the luxury consumer.

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Designer Spotlight episodes are the origin stories of fashion designers. What kind of kid were they growing up? What did they submit to design school? When did clothing and fashion start to be an important force in their life? We talk about them, not their collections.

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With a Masters from Polimoda, one of the top 10 fashion institutes in the world, Trend Forecaster Emily Miller Palmquist discusses the evolution of fashion as status and how what we wear holds more meaning than taste.

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Carly Stojsic, former Market Editor at Worth Global Style Network and internationally sought after Trend Forecaster, shares insights into how items become the “it thing” for a season and what exactly is a “trend” anyway. Carly is is known as being one of Canada’s...

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Travel enthusiast, Toronto expert and founder/ editor-in-chief of the popular lifestyle blog She Does the City, Jen McNeely discusses the relationship between fashion and the cities we live in. Weather and personal style may not be the only thing influencing the clothes you put on in the morning.

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Gail McInnes, founder of the celebrity showroom The Stylist Box, shares anecdotes of helping celebrities find the ideal outfit, discusses the history of and key moments on the red carpet and why we love it so much. Gail has worked in the fashion industry for over twenty years with a focus on managing and promoting entrepreneurs and performers.

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Think it is all fluff? Think again. Executive Director of the world renown Toronto Fashion Incubator Susan Langdon and acclaimed fashion designer David Dixon talk why fashion is an industry not to be over looked or under valued.

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